Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Reading Diary B: Apache Tales

The Supernatural Person in the Lake

  • The story talks of a boy who received a gift of being a medicine man from his mother 
  • They were very hungry so the the mother asked him if he had anything to eat and he and told her that the next day they would have a lot to eat
  • What he said came true until the mother told him to stop and the food they were getting stopping coming
  • His mother asked for the gift back and he told her he had given it to the supernatural one 
  • He then went back to his own country and the people followed him and tried to track him down and did not find him
  • Two years later the people went out to war and he appeared with a buffalo and told them that the enemy was close and was not aware. 
  • He then told them to get the black horse with no white spots and to bring it back to him
  • The people won the war and took the horse and once they were close the lake the horse just ran of in that direction.
  • At the start of this story a group of men are at war and they all die but one
  • The one follows the buffalo and in the in end he gets arrows shoots them all
  • In the rivers turned into the mans chiefs
  • These sort of story seem to be all over the place and very random
  • This probably explains the names that chiefs get in native american culture
Rio Grande

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