Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 12, Growth Mindset

So with how school is going this meme really gives me inspiration to continue and push through all the obstacles. I know that with time I will get through everything and then I can look back and reminisce of the good old days. 

Famous Last Words

So as thanksgiving break gets closer everything seems to bunching up causing a lot of stress. On the bright side to everything thing is once thanksgiving break is here then all your worries are gone during the break. The readings for this week were very fun to read because I read a lot of stories that I personally enjoyed. Other than the fun readings I am excited to know that I will be done with the class this week. Not to say I wont miss it but it will definitely be another load of my shoulders. It has taught me a lot in the sense that now I know a lot about random myths and fables. It also taught me how better my writing even though I can still improve a lot! Overall I loved how this class was graded because it was based off of your creativity and thoughts rather then having just standardized test to give you your grade. I really am enjoying this class. 

I wish my other classes were going as good as this one however, they are not but I will do my bet to catch back up. The downside to everything is that we only have a little over month left of school so that’s means its crunch time and I need to get with the grind. One of my classes that are giving me a hard time is Italian.  I think the reasoning behind this is because my first language is Spanish therefore it confuses me. The main reason is because I am heritage speaker, which means I learned from my parents, and not school. So for this reason it affects me in the sense that I get confused between languages, which messes me up Italian. However, there is still time so there to better myself so I will stay optimistic.

Week 12 Review

This reminds how there are certain words that are the same and that mean to different things however, they spelled differently. This can be seen in a lot of languages not only english.

Portfolio Introduction

Storytelling Week 11: The Fox
The story of the fox out smarted Johnny Cake

Storytelling Week 6: The King and The Pirate
The story of how the Pirate got what he deserved.

Storytelling Week 3: Honorable Death
The Story of a King and his Death

Storytelling Week 2: Nobody
The Story of how Nobody escaped Death

Friday, November 13, 2015

Extra Reading Diary

  • King Vortigern was the king of wales and was advised by his wise men to and build a fortified city to defend himself from the Saxons
  • So in those time they would kill a person and use their blood in the concrete 
  • So he sent out for a fatherless child to kill
  • So he found the child and then ordered to kill him and as the child stood before him he asked the king to speak with his wisemen
  • So he questioned the wise men and every time the wise men did not know the answer
  • So as the boy asked questions one of the questions was what a red serpent and white serpent represented as they fought inside a tent.
  • Eventually the red serpent although seemed weak regained its strength and beat out the white snake
  • The white snake represented a white dragon and Saxons and the red represented a red dragon and wales.
  • I really enjoyed this story because it gives me some background on what the meaning behind the red dragon is

The Red Dragon

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tech Tip Poster

The source of the saying is from the song "Phone Numbers" by Wiz Khalifa and the image is just a sample picture from AutoMotivator.

Reading Diary B:

Robin Hood and The Valiant Knight 

  • In this story the king send a knight and hundred man to kill robing hood the out law
  • So they end up confronting robin hood and his men 
  • Robin hood then flees and find a monk who bleeds him and dies
  • After that Robins hood's men all flea to different parts of Europe of the fear that they would be killed as well
  • The story tell us that there will never be another outlaw like Robin Hood again.
  • This story tells us the last moments Robin hood had
  • I still keep wondering what the the whole bleeding thing was about in that time?
  • Is it just when someone chooses to die then they are bled to death?
  • It is a very absurd concept to me
  • Robin hood's last wishes were to be buried alongside with his bow for it was one of the things he most valued

Robin Hood's Grave