Friday, October 30, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Italian Popular Tales

The Language of Animals

  • The story is about father and son 
  • The son goes to school and when he comes back home his father throws him a big party 
  • At the party he is asked what he has learned
  • He responds that he has learned the languages of birds, dogs and frogs. his father is so ashamed that he sends his servants to kill him and bring him his heart
  • The servants kill a dog and the son gets away and helps the a kings treasurer by telling him that a bunch of dogs followed him because multiple assassins were going to attack at night
  • He then helps the kings daughter by letting them know she had tossed a cross in the fountain and thats why the frogs never stopped croaking
  • In the end he becomes pope and invites his father, the treasurer and the king
  • He then forgives his father and lived with him for the rest of his life
  • A carter was sent down a dark deep hole to see who lived there
  • As he went down he saw a man with ink and pen and paper
  • The carter asked the mysterious man who he was and the the man told him turn around and open your shirt. 
  • He wrote who he was on the carter shirt and told him to go to the pope and have only the pope read who he was
  • So he went to the pope and it read, I am PILATES 
  • And so this was the story of PILATE a man neither condemned nor damned but stuck in a cave reading the sentenced he had pronounced Jesus Christ.
  • There was a cock that wanted to become pope so he went on journey and on the course recruited a hen, a cat and a weasel.
  • There after they got to a witches house and stayed there. 
  • The witch came home and kicked them all out
  • Then it was just the cock and the hen on the way to rome 
  • Once they got there the cock met with the sexton and the sexton caught both the cock and hen and twisted their necks ate the cock and the hen THE END.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Storytelling Week 10: The Two Brothers

Long ago there was a father who had two sons with his wife. On a rainy dark night while the father was out hunting to bring forth food to the dinner table. A woman who practiced black magic came into his home killed the wife and threw one of the boy in a river near and the other boy on the side of the house. The father came back to his home and saw his wife dead and his sons gone. He then looked for his sons and only found the one on the side of the house. The boy was then taken into care by the father and grew up to be strong. Then one day the father told the boy, “we are going to look for your brother.” The son responded with “I need body armor for his teeth are sharp.” The father then made armor out of rawhide for the son and put it on him. The father gave instructions to find his brother by the river and specifically told him to tell his brother that they are to play a game at the house. The son then went to his brother and brought him to the house. The brother tried biting the son but seeing as he couldn’t pierce the rawhide he stopped. There after he became human again. The two brothers then continued growing together.
            One day the father told the boys do not go into the house upon the hill for there are snakes there. The two brothers then went to the house and brought rocks with them. They sat in the house on their rocks. The snakes soon began appearing and trying to enter their anal cavity but failed because of the stones in the way. The boy then smashed up all the snakes and took one with them as a souvenir. As they wlked out of the house the brother with the snake took the snake and dragged its head on the ground every few steps. This is why snakes have flat heads now. The father found out of their actions and punished them for their wrong doings.  Yet again the father told the boys not to go across the river because there was a wolf that was killing people of the village. So the boys again set fourth to cross the river and found themselves face to face with the wolf. The boy had brought sharp sticks with them and with those they were able to kill the big bad wolf of the woods.
The story of these two boy is not known by many but they were known as Thrown--by-wall and Thrown-in-river.

Authors Note: The story I original read was Lodge-boy and Thrown-Away found in Tales of the North American Indians by Stith Thompson (1929).  The story tells that that the two boys were separated at birth but once they were together they would kill of bad people and things. In my story I decided to go along the same lines and tell a different story. The enemy I kept was the house of snakes and an enemy I changed was the big bad wolf that would kill villagers.
Crow Brothers and Father

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Reading Diary B: Native American Hero Tales

Lodge Boy and Thrown Away

  • Two boys were split at birth one was thrown in the curtain of tipi and the other thrown in a spring
  • The father is the able to get them back and they live together
  • The boys go and wake their mother up had been killed 
  • Then they both go and kill an alligator and disobeying their father 
  • The boy seem to be really good at getting away with things every time they are told not to do something

Lodge Boy and Thrown Away

  • The Father told the boys not to go to the tipi over the hill because there are a lot of snakes
  • The boy went to the tipi and brought stones to sit on in the tipi
  • The snakes tried to enter their rectum and the boys killed all the snakes but one and with that one they rubbed its head against a cliff and that is why snakes have flat heads
  • The boys continued killing bad things and lived doing that for the rest of their lives
Crow Horsemen 

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Week 10 Reading Diary A: Native American Hero Tales

The Jealous Uncle 

  • The Unnatural Uncle would kill his nephews after a few years 
  • He had killed two of them already
  • A third had been born and they concealed him and told the uncle that he was a girl
  • The boy grew up dressed as a girl and acting like a girl
  • One day he showed that he was really a boy and the uncle found out
  • Now more then ever the uncle wanted to kill the boy
  • The thing that really caught my attention in this story was that animals would go and hunt animals
  • How is it that Bluejay and his companions an otter and other hunt seals?
  • I like how in this story bluejay believed the grouse didnt deserve the fat of the seal
  • In return the grouse builds a canoe and they are dragged out to the sea by a seal they harpoon
  • Bluejay in his companions then made it to a strange place were he was challanged to climb against squirrel
  • Bluejay won the race and squirrel had lost it
Yupik mother and son

Friday, October 23, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: American Indian Fairy Tales

Iagoo, The Story Teller

  • This Story talk about a story teller named Iagoo
  • There was nobody as wise and knowing as Iagoo 
  • It tells the story how winter was the time for story telling and the children would gather around Iagoo
  • This story seems to be the introduction to the storyteller of the fairy tells that are to come.
  • This Story talks about two kings the North wind and the South wind
  • The North wind is portrayed as the bad king and the south as the good 
  • The north wind makes everything cold while the south makes everything summer
  • The story goes on and tells about how fisherman in the north are scared off by the north wind and only one man decides to stay and fool the north wid
Iagoo storytelling to the children

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Reading Diary B: Apache Tales

The Supernatural Person in the Lake

  • The story talks of a boy who received a gift of being a medicine man from his mother 
  • They were very hungry so the the mother asked him if he had anything to eat and he and told her that the next day they would have a lot to eat
  • What he said came true until the mother told him to stop and the food they were getting stopping coming
  • His mother asked for the gift back and he told her he had given it to the supernatural one 
  • He then went back to his own country and the people followed him and tried to track him down and did not find him
  • Two years later the people went out to war and he appeared with a buffalo and told them that the enemy was close and was not aware. 
  • He then told them to get the black horse with no white spots and to bring it back to him
  • The people won the war and took the horse and once they were close the lake the horse just ran of in that direction.
  • At the start of this story a group of men are at war and they all die but one
  • The one follows the buffalo and in the in end he gets arrows shoots them all
  • In the rivers turned into the mans chiefs
  • These sort of story seem to be all over the place and very random
  • This probably explains the names that chiefs get in native american culture
Rio Grande

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Ready Diary A: Apache Tales

The First War

  • The people were separated by the raven and there were two chiefs to the east 
  • One of the chief made a feast and invited all and the other chief refused to attend
  • The chief that did not attend ended up wounding the other chief with an arrow and became the grandfather of the wounded chief
  • This chief then went to war with the other four enemy chiefs. The chief had five horses killed under him before he got on the sixth horse
  • By then all his men were gone and the enemy chief put on the ground and killed him
  • News got back to the other chief and he mourned that his grandfather was killed
  • I have to say this was a very confusing story because of the randomness found in it
  • The boys start out by having a game created for them to and owl trying to cook them while they told stories
  • They did not die because of the magic they were using even though the owl tried multiple times to kill them
  • In the end the owl lets them go back to their father
  • In conclusion this was a very confusing and interesting story

(Apache Chief)

Monday, October 19, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Week 8 Reflections: Reading Plan

My tentative reading plan will be to get my readings done mondays so that way the rest of the week is free until the weekend.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Reflections: Looking Forward

Looking forward in the semester i hope to improve my creativity in writing by expanding my descriptive language in my writing. I think that this will allow my storytelling to be much better then what it is. As for reading I want to sort of fix my time management to where I can read more of the stories in order to enjoy more of the content of this class. My timing for working on the class has been all the weekends however i want to change this by doing most of it little by little everyday that way I can do more of the bonus assignments on top of everything we have to do. For location i want to change up from working on this class at home to working on this class at the library because I feel like I can focus better. I have not been doing a lot of the growth mindset assignments but I also plan on doing that more often because i think it will help me a lot with the way I manage my classes and learn. Finally for curation I do admit I have not been doing a good job at doing the assignments and actually practicing the habit of organizing things. Looking forward I will try to change that and do more curation assignments. By the looks of it I am not on track to finish early and should really start doing a lo of the extra credit points to get the Grade of an A that I want. So far I am almost on track for an A so I have to try a little bit harder in order to achieve that grade.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Reflections: Looking Back

I think that my writing is getting a little better then what it was then when I first started writing for this class. One of the major things I have learn and kept was how to write sentences in quotes which, was something i never really learn how to do in the past. My blog post I am very proud of is my first storytelling in my portfolio because of the creativity in changing the characters to animals. The title of my story is Nobody which comes from my favorite reading the Odyssey. The reason why it is my favorite is because of the main character Odysseus who just shows very heroic traits. I really like the class being online because I do feel as i read introduction i am getting to know a little bit of everyone week by week. For time I usually like to do everything on the weekend because it is when i have the most time for it. I have been doing that from the start of the semester and will probably continue to do so. The location of where I do my work is at home because i usually do everything on the weekend when I am at home like I said before. I havent done many Growth mindset challanges but i still try to apply in my my everyday life.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Week 7 Review

My favorite item from this weeks announcement would probably be the image below:

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Week 7: Growth Mindset

Beyond School: 
  I see myself using growth mindset beyond school in many aspects as a person. I like to always learn from people and even though not everything you learn is positive you learn to take the positive. I see myself applying growth mindset best to just everyday life and having the urge to learn new things from people. Such as handy work that I learned from my father such as changing to car oil to learning how to put sheet rock to make a wall. It is something that even though I do not need to learn, I learn it anyways because it makes me grow in knowledge. This can relate to growth mindset because it is the want to learn that makes you a better person and student.

Tech Tip: Blogger Template

So I changed my Template a while back but I never posted about it, so here it is!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Storytelling: The Pretty Face

Once a upon a time there was king, evil with greed, and most notable for his addiction to women. The king had ruled over the kingdom for seven years and seven years it was of pure agony and starvation for the people of the kingdom. People would plan out ways to kill the king but the king was very cautious and smart about not being exposed. As the months went by on the seventh year people were just about done with the king and wanted to over throw him. However, it was impossible because the king with his tactics was wise and controlled most of the higher ups that could do anything about the situation. The king’s guard was also one of the best known around the world. To kill the king was a mission impossible.
            Right outside the big city lived in a tiny little house a young woman known for herbal remedies. Some claimed she was a witch and others, claimed she was just one with Mother Nature. This young woman was very beautiful and had never put a foot in the city ran by the king. Men would fall instantly in love with her but she would never give any man her attention. The young woman was a very generous and helpful woman to any person who came up to see her and take from her remedies.
            One day a former servant of the king came down to the woman because he had an infected wound and was in need of healing. The man got to the woman and she healed up his wounds. The young woman then asked, “who has done this to you?” The man responded, “the dreadful king who rules like a tyrant and mistreats his loyal servants, and for this he must die.”  The Servant knew of his addiction for woman so he asked the beautiful young lady if she was up to the task to rid of this dreadful king. The woman agreed and left to the city instantly with the servant.

            Upon arriving to castle the king went head over heels seeing the beauty of the young woman standing in front of him. The King came to her and said, “What bring such a pretty face to upon me today?” The young woman responded, “I’ve come to wed you oh majestic king.” The king delighted set everything up for the wedding instantly and so night came. On that night the young woman stayed the night with king and made love to him. Once asleep she took a sword and cut his head of and wrapped it around with bed sheets and swiftly left the city.  The next day the servant of the king noticed he did not wake so they got the royal guard and broke down the door to find the king lying in his blood headless.  The young woman had got away anybody suspected it had been her.

Authors Note: This story was inspired by the Nigerian Folktale The Pretty stranger that killed the king found Folk Stories from southern Nigeria. by Elphinstone Dayrell (1910). The story tells of how witch disguised herself as a pretty young woman killed the king by cutting his head off. In this same way I used a pretty woman that killed the king by cutting his head off. I kept a lot of the details the same however i went in a little more detail about what the king was like.
A king

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Reading Diary B: Nigerian Folktales

The Story of the Lightening  and the Thunder

  • The story is about a mother sheep (thunder) and her son ram (lightening).
  • The story goes that lightening would get mad and go burn houses and knock down trees and sometimes even kill people
  • Lightening's mother thunder would always call out to lightning to make him stop 
  • One day the people got tired of the destruction and went to the king to make it stop
  • The king cast them out to another bush and made them live in the sky where they now remain
  • Sometimes Lighting still causes damage and you can still hear its mother thunder calling.
  • This story is about two brothers with one of them owning a pet cock
  • Soon after a poor local who pretended to be their friend
  • The poor local eventually started telling lies to each brother about what was happening with the cock which eventually started a war
  • At the end of the war it was realized that poor local and the cock had started so both were killed


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Reading Diary A: Nigerian Folk Stories

The Pretty Stranger who killed the King
  • There was the Strong king of Calabar, Nigeria that had a lot of enemies and was very powerful
  • Then there was the enemy town Itu who had a witch who can make her self appear as anything she wished
  • She transformed into a beautiful young women who the whole town of old town Calabar admired
  • The King of Old town fell in love with her and wanted to marry her
  • The witch cooked the king a meal that put him to sleep then cut his head off killing the king
  • She got away and nobody thought of her as the killer and eventually Itu was able to attack Old Town
  • A bush Rat and a bat were friend and always ate together
  • The rat asked why the soup the bat made was so good
  • The bat told him that he boils himself in his soup because his flesh is sweet
  • So the rat went home and tried this out and died in the pot of boiling water
  • The wife of the rat was furious and told the king and after that their was a search for the bat
  • The Bat then changed his habits and hid in a bush and would only come out at night and never by day after that
Calabar, Nigeria circa 1900

Friday, October 2, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Japanese Fairy Tales

The Two Frogs
  • There were two frogs one from Kioto and the other from Osaka
  • There both interested in venturing out to see their native country so one wanted to go to Kioto and the other to Osaka. 
  • On their travels they met each other half way there on top of a mountain so they decided to stand on their hind legs holding each other up to see their destination
  • They were both foolish because their eyes were on the backs of their head so they looked at the town were they came from and therefor believed the destination they were going to was exactly the same as their origin.
The Stonecutter
  •  The Stone cutter was a about a stone cutter who had heard of a spirit that grants riches and wishes to many men
  • He was satisfied until one day he wished to be rich
  • The spirit heard him and as he went along with the wish he continued to wish to be other things
  • In the end he wished to be simple man who cut stones for a living
  • As he went through from being a prince to a the sun he was now satisfied with his life and never wished for anything else
 (A frog)

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Storytelling for Week 6: The King and the Pirate

The King and the Pirate
There once was a poor man who went along day after day saying, “If anyone gives me a ship, I will sail the seven seas and give to them half of my riches that I scavenge.” So this poor man would go along day after day saying, “If anyone gives me a ship, I will sail the seven seas and give to them half of my riches.”
One one day the poor man was passing by the palace and the king happened to be there. The poor man repeated, “If anyone gives me a ship, I will sail the seven seas and give them half of my riches found in my voyages.” The king with a sense of honesty told the poor man, “That usually does not happen with the forgetfulness and greed in the hearts of men nowadays.”
The poor man answered, “I shall not be one of those men and I will not forget the actions of kindness done to me.” So the man went on still in high spirits repeating the same thing he had said many times before. On another day the poor man came across one of the king's naval admiral and told him, “If anyone gives me a ship, I will sail the seven seas and give them half of my riches.”  
The admiral answered, “I have seen many of my crewmen be granted the gift of a ship and all of them were filled with greed and instead they sought to kill and steal from those who only granted them good." 
The poor man answered, “I will not be like those men. Instead I will remember the good acts of those who have done them.”  So the poor man continued believing and repeating that he would sail the seven seas and give the half the riches found to the person who would give him a ship. There the poor man came across a merchant on the docks of the harbor and said, “If anyone gives me a ship, I will sail the seven seas and give them half of my riches found in my voyages.” The merchant then responded, “That is not true. I gave one of my good sailors a ship once. In return he became a pirate and stole from me.”
So the poor man discouraged sought the king once again. “Unfortunate man, will you ever forget the favors?” asked the king. “Never will I forget a benefit,” answered the poor man.
"Then here is a ship with a crew that will serve at your every command,” said the king.  So the poor man was intrigued by a pirates life rather then that of a merchants life. So the poor man ventured off on voyages becoming a pirate and with that he became richer than ever before.  When time came he did not give half of his earnings to the king and the king let it pass. The king did this because he knew eventually the poor man would have to pay up.
One day the now ungrateful man saw one of the king’s merchant ships that was carrying treasures of the king. So he seized the king's vessel and took everything it had with him. As he looted the ship other royal ships had surrounded the ungrateful man's ship. The royal ships seized the ungrateful man's ship and left him and his men for dead. Together with his crew the ungrateful man was left floating in the sea shipless and treasureless.

Author’s Note: This Story was inspired by the story The Wizard and the Beggar found in Laos-Folklore by Katherine Neville Fleeson (1899). The story of the wizard and the beggar tells of a man who claimed that he would remember the benefit of the man who would give him all the food he could desire to eat. So the story goes and tell that man eventually forgets all the benefits given to him. The wizard then gives the beggar a jewel that grants him anything he wants and the wizard keeps a jewel that allows him to fly. The beggar then gets greedy and tries to kill the wizard and steal the other jewel form him and in the end is left with nothing. My story is pretty similar because I didn't change the fact that the beggar is a poor man. The big thing I changed was the fact that he wants a ship to sail the seven seas and become rich. I keep the fact that he does not pay up to his benefactor and in the end is left with nothing.
(Pirate Ship)