There was once a fox and a pack of wolves that lived in the same
forest. However, both the fox and wolves were enemies. The fox, although
cunning and smart, was no match for the ferocious strength of a wolf. The wolves
were very territorial predators so they owned the hunting game in a large part
of the woods. This meant the fox would struggle very hard to find food at
times. Although the fox didn’t have the strength or size of a wolf, it was still good at catching smaller prey such as rabbits. This was enough to survive regardless of the disadvantage due to the wolves claiming everything.
Winter was coming so this meant food was
scarce and surviving would be hard for other predators such as the wolves.
However, the fox was smart enough to have survived many winters before in the
presence of the wolves and their territorial habits. On one of those snowy cold
days the fox was starving and had yet to catch food. To its luck it saw a
little rabbit. Although little, the rabbit was very fast, making it hard
for the fox to catch it. So the fox ran after the rabbit chasing it as fast as
its legs would let it. The rabbit also, running as fast as it could, went into a
cave at the bottom of a mountain and so did the fox right behind it.
The fox quickly ran into the cave and
just as it entered the cave the ground started to tremble and the fox was startled
by the supernatural occurrence. Soon after the opening of the cave was closed with the large amount of snow form the avalanche occurring. There the fox looked around and it saw a larger then average
wolf lying on the cave ground. The fox instantly realized that it had gone into
the home of a wolf and to make matters worse the fox knew that this was the
alpha of the pack. The fox had earlier encounters with the alpha wolf however, it had been lucky enough to escape. However, the exit was blocked in this situation. The wolf slowly rose up from the ground and said, “What is
the name of the poor creature that has walked straight into the den to feed its inhabitant?” The fox answered, “Oh great alpha wolf, commander and chief to the
wolves of the forest, my name is Nobody."
The wolf then answered, “Well then, nobody, I shall now feast for I am more hungry than ever before on this cold winter
day." So the wolf quickly leaped into action and attacked the fox going for its neck but the fox quickly retaliated by scratching one of the eyes of the wolf with its sharp claws. As
the wolf howled in pain, the fox lost no time in biting and scratching the wolf's
other eye blinding the wolf completely. The wolves outside of the cave then
heard the howls of their leader and ran to aid to the snow-blocked cave and
asked, “Commander and chief, is everything alright?” The alpha wolf responded,
“Nobody has injured my sight and now I cannot see nobody." The wolves then
heard their leader and responded, “If nobody is bothering you, then we
believe that is something you can handle being our leader." So the wolves went
off on their way and left their leader in the cave.
The fox, although stuck in the cave
with the great wolf, had survived and would survive for the rest of the time
being until the snow melted and he could then escape. Once again the fox
cleverly outsmarted the wolves and nobody was eaten in the end.

A fox biting a wolf.
Source: White Wolf Pack
Note: The
Original Story that inspired “Nobody” was from Homer’s Odysseus, translated in English by
Tony Kline (2004). In the original story Odysseus and his men were trapped in a cave by a man-eating giant cyclops named Polyphemus. One by one the giant would kill some of his men every day until one day Odysseus got the giant drunk. While the Polyphemus was drunk he asked for Odysseus's name and the name given was Nobody. Odysseus then blinded the Polyphemus while he was drunk and when the neighbor giants came to help, Polyphemus told them Nobody had hurt him. Once Polyphemus was blinded and without help Odysseus was able to escape.
This part of the story shows the cleverness and wits of Odysseus when he gave the name of nobody to the giant that was going to kill him. In the same way I picked the protagonist to be a fox because when I think of a fox I think of a clever and smart animal. In the story although the odds are against the fox it is able to overcome in the same way Odysseus did. I used the wolf as a representation of Polyphemus because when you think of the mightiest of predators in the forest, you think of a wolf. I also kept the story the same in the sense where the fox seemed to be hopeless just like Odysseus found himself in the cave with the Cyclops. I kept a lot of the details the same to have the similar feel of story. I also tried to word the response of the wolf in the same manner that Polyphemus responded to his neighbors. In this way the reader can see the similarity in stories and it shows a different version of the clever answer that Odysseus gave.
This part of the story shows the cleverness and wits of Odysseus when he gave the name of nobody to the giant that was going to kill him. In the same way I picked the protagonist to be a fox because when I think of a fox I think of a clever and smart animal. In the story although the odds are against the fox it is able to overcome in the same way Odysseus did. I used the wolf as a representation of Polyphemus because when you think of the mightiest of predators in the forest, you think of a wolf. I also kept the story the same in the sense where the fox seemed to be hopeless just like Odysseus found himself in the cave with the Cyclops. I kept a lot of the details the same to have the similar feel of story. I also tried to word the response of the wolf in the same manner that Polyphemus responded to his neighbors. In this way the reader can see the similarity in stories and it shows a different version of the clever answer that Odysseus gave.
Hey really cool story. I really like stories that include animals and of course have an underdog. That was not an intended pun. Anyway, I liked that you made the animals talk and waited until later in the story to do so. It really surprised me and definitely intensified the moment when the wolf started talking because I thought the fox was dead for sure.
ReplyDeleteI thought this story was very creative. However, I felt the dialogue did not stand out very much. Dialogue is one of my biggest struggles as well, so I understand the difficulties in it. I felt that you had many strong and descriptive words throughout your story, so good job on that! One thing that could have been a little more detailed would be the character’s descriptions. I think it would have been easier to read if they had names rather than just “the fox” and so on. I appreciated the emotion you portrayed in the story. It made me feel very connected to your story. Over all, I believe your sentences and grammar were very well done. I feel that your story was very successful and well written. I am very impressed and slightly jealous of your story. I find it difficult to write sometimes but your story made it seem very easy and natural.
ReplyDeleteHi Angel!!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your story. I thought it read kind of like a children’s book! I love that you chose a fox to be the protagonist of your story because you’re right they are known for being very clever and witty creatures in the forest. I have read The Odyssey before but didn’t realize that the wolf was the giant and the fox was Odysseus. One thing I would recommend is maybe not centering all of your text. You should probably align your text to the left and only center your title. This will make it easier to read for people because we read from left to right!! Also, the picture you chose to represent your story is absolutely adorable. I love that even in the real wildlife the fox is standing up to the wolf. Overall, I thought you had a very fun story!! I love that you brought The Odyssey to the animal world.
I also did Homer’s Odyssey so I followed your story easily. I instantly knew that this was from the Cyclops scene and I liked how you changed it to it being a lone fox instead of the whole gang. You flipped it so that it was a lone fox versus a gang of wolves. I did like the Nobody part since it was real cunning for him so that people would second-guess the other guy. You did a good job with the characters, setting, and word choice. It seems easier to write about a specific scene instead of what I did and wrote about the entire story, but good job with the details and I look forward to reading your future stories.
ReplyDeleteHi, Angel!
ReplyDeleteWow, I really enjoyed this story. The parallels to Odysseus were very well done and, though I figured the fox would live, I was still happy to see it happen. Though you didn’t mention the fate of the rabbit, I’m going to assume it lived.
There are some minor editing errors and your formatting looks to be off – some paragraphs are centered, while only one is aligned to the left. It would also help with readability if you added a space between paragraphs. Your black background/white font helps a lot (with readability) and in this, I think it adds to the tone of the story.
The last line of your story was awesome! I’m a firm believer that first and last lines are the most important parts of a story. The first line sets tone and pulls your reader in; the last line, which can make or break a story, is all about how you want to leave your reader feeling. Your last line was great because it has the callback to play on “nobody” – it’s very clever.
Hello Angel,
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your story. I think that you did a really great job in keeping the same plot between the original story and your take on this story. I think the most important part in the story of Odysseus is making sure that his characteristics of intelligence are portrayed. I think you did an excellent job in showing those characteristics through the fox. The fox and the wolf were not characters that I expected but I did enjoy it. I feel like this is a story that I would tell my daughter and she would understand it rather than telling her a story about Odysseus and a giant. Great job on your story.
I think that your font size is excellent in reading. I think I might have to try that out for my own blog. I think the size and the color makes it very easy for reading. It seems like you have a great start to your portfolio and I can't wait to read more of it.
Hey Angel,
ReplyDeleteI was so excited to read your story. As soon as i saw the title I knew what your story was going to be about. Even though I knew what your story was about I still had no idea how you were going to tell it so that is why I was excited and the fact that i just love the Odyssey. I really like how you changed just about everything in this story but you still kept the same main conflict and conversation between the two main charters. I feel like that is very important. I also like the back story that you gave. I felt like that helped to show us as the reader why the fox was in such a bad situation. I was wondering how you would show that the wolf was the leader of the pack and I think that making him the alpha was a wonderful idea. good job over all and I look forward to reading more of your work.
Hi Angel!
ReplyDeleteI have to say, that was a great retelling of the story of the cyclops from Odysseus! I was surprised since I didn't know what was in store for me judging from just the title. I really like that you were able to take just a small bit of the original story and important dialogue and be able to spin it into your own story rather than using large chunks of it. You even used different characters and changed the dynamics! I love that the setting gave us some more information on the relationship between the fox and wolves as well as the setting/environment they were in to paint a vivid picture of the story. I also like the picture you used since it shows the fox being its clever self and beating the big bad wolf! Great job on your story. I can't wait to read the rest of your portfolio!
Good job on your retelling! I have previously read the Odyssey so I figured once I read the title this was a version from the Greek story involving the Cyclops. You did a nice job of making this story your own while also managing to make the outcome the same as in the original. The choice of using the wolf and the fox was perfect for this story. Wolves are always depicted as the big monstrous beasts who rule the forest, and the fox is always the trickster in folklore. At least, this has been the case in several units that I have come across in our readings in the Untextbook. The image you utilized was a really nice touch at the end of the story. Overall great job! I look forward to seeing the other stories that you will write through the course of the rest of the semester!
ReplyDeleteI was going to say that your story reminded me of the story of Odysseus and the Cyclops, and then I read your author's note and realized that there was a reason for that. So great job on making your story clear enough that I was able to really see where your inspiration was coming from. Your story did a great job retelling one so iconic in a new way that really was your own. The dynamics and dialogue between the two characters really was great and brought you into the story! Great job and I look forward to reading the rest of your portfolio for this semester!
ReplyDeleteHey, Angel!
ReplyDeleteGreat story!
I got to read this story when I was a freshman in high school, so it was cool to see you retell it in this way. Changing the characters into animals brought new life to it. I like how you gave insight into why he made his decision as well.
I agree with you about a fox being a clever and smart animal. I see how you developed that into your story as well.
I also like your story because wolves are neat animals. I actually did my storybook on a wolf based on Aesop's wolves! It's fun to see their character development and it's also cool to see how you depicted the wolf in your story.
The formatting of your story also makes it easy to read. Your text and background color together add to the clarity on the eyes and I appreciate that.
Overall, wonderful job and I look forward to reading your other stories and writing. This story definitely makes me want to read more of your portfolio.