Reading Diary B
Birds, Part 1
- In the story The Crow and The Pitcher, the bird could not reach the little water the pitcher had so it threw pebbles until it was able to.
- Even though he did it multiple times little by little did the trick
- In the story The Peacock and Juno, the peacock wanted the voice of a nightingale in addition to what it already had
- It was denied its wish and told to be content with what it had
(A picture of a crow and a Pitcher)
Birds, Part 2
- In the story The Swallow and the Other Birds, the swallow gave a warning to the other birds to pick up every seed of hemp sowed
- They ignored him so the hemp grew and the birds would get caught on the nets of hemp
- The moral of the story is really cool because it is destroy the seed of evil or it will grow up your ruin,
- In the story The Eagle and the Arrow, the eagle was shot down by an arrow
- While losing its life it saw that the arrow was made with its own feathers
- It cried "we often give our enemies the means for our own destruction
Insects, Snakes, Crabs
- In the story The Ant and the Grasshopper, the ants were smart and stored food for the winter while the grasshopper didn't
- The moral is to get ready before the time of need comes
- In the story The Woodman and The Serpent, the woodman took and saved the serpent from death
- in return the serpent tried to kill one of his children
- "no gratitude from the wicked" mean nothing good can come from something that is bad
Frogs and Fish
- In the story The Frogs Desiring a King, the frogs kept begging for king to be ruled over and to keep them in order.
- Frogs got their first king and were not satisfied with the ruling and then they got a second which killed them all
- Moral of this story its better then have no rule rather then cruel rule.
Humans and Gods
- In the Story Avaricious and Envious, The two men are granted one wish as long as their neighbor gets double of what they wish for.
- The avaricious man gets a room full of gold but then is unhappy because his neighbor has two rooms
- The Envious man wishes to lose an eye so that his neighbor can lose two eyes
- Moral of the story is that vices are their own punishment
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