Friday, September 4, 2015

Essay: A Hero


A hero usually means someone who has accomplished and task that no one else has accomplished. At least that’s what the majority might think. I however, believe that a hero is not someone who just completes a difficult task but encourages and inspires others. A good example of this is the story from Homers Odyssey in where Odysseus blinds the Cyclops. The way he was able to accomplish this was by being a leader and inspire his man. Even close to death he encouraged and raised their hope whilst on the edge of life. The definition of a hero could mean many things but, one I agree on is someone who has the characteristics of a leader who is willing to set the example for others even if it means risking his or hers life.
Picture of Odysseus and the cyclops

Another good definition of a hero is a person who cares for someone else and is willing to sacrifice his or her life for someone else. Another good example is the on when Odysseus goes back to Circe's home to find his man. Even though a survivor begs him not to go back or he will stay there with the rest of the men. Stubborn but with good reason Odysseus goes forth to rescue his men from the Circe’s evil magic regardless of the odds. This is a good example of what a person should be if they are considered a hero. Odysseus gives many more examples of being hero but this one in particular was very intriguing. The reason for that being is because in the past stories he would take warnings and listen to them however, this warning he totally ignored. Which, I believe was because he was done with losing more of his men and seeing more death. In conclusion I believe that hero should be someone who inspires, encourages and also someone who risks everything for someone else just like Odysseus did on his travel home. 

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