Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 12, Growth Mindset

So with how school is going this meme really gives me inspiration to continue and push through all the obstacles. I know that with time I will get through everything and then I can look back and reminisce of the good old days. 

Famous Last Words

So as thanksgiving break gets closer everything seems to bunching up causing a lot of stress. On the bright side to everything thing is once thanksgiving break is here then all your worries are gone during the break. The readings for this week were very fun to read because I read a lot of stories that I personally enjoyed. Other than the fun readings I am excited to know that I will be done with the class this week. Not to say I wont miss it but it will definitely be another load of my shoulders. It has taught me a lot in the sense that now I know a lot about random myths and fables. It also taught me how better my writing even though I can still improve a lot! Overall I loved how this class was graded because it was based off of your creativity and thoughts rather then having just standardized test to give you your grade. I really am enjoying this class. 

I wish my other classes were going as good as this one however, they are not but I will do my bet to catch back up. The downside to everything is that we only have a little over month left of school so that’s means its crunch time and I need to get with the grind. One of my classes that are giving me a hard time is Italian.  I think the reasoning behind this is because my first language is Spanish therefore it confuses me. The main reason is because I am heritage speaker, which means I learned from my parents, and not school. So for this reason it affects me in the sense that I get confused between languages, which messes me up Italian. However, there is still time so there to better myself so I will stay optimistic.

Week 12 Review

This reminds how there are certain words that are the same and that mean to different things however, they spelled differently. This can be seen in a lot of languages not only english.

Portfolio Introduction

Storytelling Week 11: The Fox
The story of the fox out smarted Johnny Cake

Storytelling Week 6: The King and The Pirate
The story of how the Pirate got what he deserved.

Storytelling Week 3: Honorable Death
The Story of a King and his Death

Storytelling Week 2: Nobody
The Story of how Nobody escaped Death

Friday, November 13, 2015

Extra Reading Diary

  • King Vortigern was the king of wales and was advised by his wise men to and build a fortified city to defend himself from the Saxons
  • So in those time they would kill a person and use their blood in the concrete 
  • So he sent out for a fatherless child to kill
  • So he found the child and then ordered to kill him and as the child stood before him he asked the king to speak with his wisemen
  • So he questioned the wise men and every time the wise men did not know the answer
  • So as the boy asked questions one of the questions was what a red serpent and white serpent represented as they fought inside a tent.
  • Eventually the red serpent although seemed weak regained its strength and beat out the white snake
  • The white snake represented a white dragon and Saxons and the red represented a red dragon and wales.
  • I really enjoyed this story because it gives me some background on what the meaning behind the red dragon is

The Red Dragon

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Tech Tip Poster

The source of the saying is from the song "Phone Numbers" by Wiz Khalifa and the image is just a sample picture from AutoMotivator.

Reading Diary B:

Robin Hood and The Valiant Knight 

  • In this story the king send a knight and hundred man to kill robing hood the out law
  • So they end up confronting robin hood and his men 
  • Robin hood then flees and find a monk who bleeds him and dies
  • After that Robins hood's men all flea to different parts of Europe of the fear that they would be killed as well
  • The story tell us that there will never be another outlaw like Robin Hood again.
  • This story tells us the last moments Robin hood had
  • I still keep wondering what the the whole bleeding thing was about in that time?
  • Is it just when someone chooses to die then they are bled to death?
  • It is a very absurd concept to me
  • Robin hood's last wishes were to be buried alongside with his bow for it was one of the things he most valued

Robin Hood's Grave

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Reading Diary A: Robin Hood

Progress To Nottingham
  • In this story robin hood i challenged by foresters and told him he could not be an archer for the king
  • Robin hood told them he could hit twenty men and make them die
  • So the foresters accepted the challenge and then robing hood killed them all
  • Th people of the city came to kill robin hood but he got away.
  • In this story robin hood challenges a forester for the right to hunt
  • They fight for three long hours and eventually robin hood falls
  • However the forester does not kill him but grants him a gift for fighting
  • Then they both hunt game in the forest
  • I really enjoy seeing stories where robin hood is fighting because it allows me to think of him as a guy who just starts fights everywhere.
Robin Hood

Monday, November 9, 2015

Google Timer Tech Tip

So I do not usually use a timer for my computer use but now that I know how to use the google timer I will do a better job at watching my usage. I think by using the timer it will allow me to give my eyes a rest from staring at screen for so long. So i think this will really help me out in my work.

Week 11 Review

Can't tell you how many times people have spelled my name wrong...

Friday, November 6, 2015

Extra Reading Post: Brothers Grimm Unit

Hansel and Grethel

  • This Story takes up most of the Half unit which is fine because I had never read this story before
  • I Have to say it is a sad one in the beginning for the reasoning of the family being poor and not having food
  • I believe that father did not love his children because no other father would have acted that way
  • It gets me thinking of modern day fathers and how sometimes they can be just like the father of Hansel and Grethel. 
  • It was unlucky how Hansel had left bread crumbs on the path but then they were eaten by birds leaving them lost in the woods
  • After being lost in the woods they found a house made out of candy and bread
  • Little did they know it was a evil witches house who wanted to eat them
  • So in the end Grethel ended up killing the witch by trapping her in the oven
  • So they took the riches and went back to their fathers house and lived happily ever after
  • This is a happy ending but the start of it was pretty messed up on the fathers part to me
Hansel leaving bread crumbs behind.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Week 11 Storytelling: The Fox

The Fox
            In many stories I have been portrayed as the weaker but smarter character. This doesn’t bother me because usually I get my way regardless of the obstacles. I have one very interesting story in particular that will catch your attention and make you agree with my point of view. 

It was just a normal day and I was out and about doing my daily tasks that a normal fox would do. I go out and look for food and avoid all predators or animals that may do me harm. For the most part my days are easy and relaxed. This is because I like to think that I don’t work hard but I work smart. What I mean by this is exactly what you think of it! I don’t use my brute strength or my speed to catch my prey but instead I think of ways to trick. Of course I am also not only seen as a smart animal but also a trickster with my bright and persuasive ways. 

Well, going back to the particular day I was telling you about, I had been working very hard to find food. Unfortunately that day I had bad luck finding anything and didn’t get to eat. So as the day went by, I got very tired and had to settle in a spot and just lay there. I just lay there for about two hours just chilling because the hunger had dominated me. 

With my luck I saw a little cake running down the road and I have to say it was a beautiful sight! As it ran it kept repeating this annoying phrase. “I've outrun an old man, and an old woman, and a little boy, and two well-diggers, and two ditch-diggers, a bear, and a wolf, and I can outrun you, too-o-o!” so the little cake came up to me and repeated the same phrase and when he did I was smart and acted like I couldn’t hear him. Of course I just lay there so he would have the guts to come closer. He got closer to me and repeated, “I've outrun an old man, and an old woman, and a little boy, and two well-diggers, and two ditch-diggers, a bear, and a wolf, and I can outrun you, too-o-o!” So I once again acted like I couldn’t hear him and the little cake got even closer to me and repeated the same thing. At that moment he was so close I could just gobble him up and... I did exactly that. I have to say that was one good-tasting little cake.

Author's Note: This story was written based off of Johnny-Cake found in English Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1890). This is another version of the Gingerbread man, which, is a story I used to hear when i was younger in school. The story is about a little cake that outruns a bunch of people including a bear and a wolf. However, when the cake gets to the fox, the fox outsmart him by acting like he is deaf and makes him get close enough to wear the fox just gobbled him up. So the retelling of my story is in first person through the eyes of the fox to see what he was thinking when he did what ate Johnny-Cake. I chose the fox as the main character once again because as you can see from the story the fox is always smart. The first person view allows the reader to see what the fox really thinks about things. So that way we can all see what thoughts go through the tricksters mind and how the fox is always able to outsmart other characters in most situations.

(A Fox)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Reading Diary B: British Fairy Tales


  • Henny-Penny is a fairy tale that is very similar to others I have read where one character plans to go tell the king something
  • The story goes that henny-penny is going to tell the king the sky is falling and so as she goes other character tag along
  • It gets to the point where the fox tags along and tell them that he knows how to get there and takes them to his cave
  • In his cave he kills all of them except henny-penny and henny-penny gets away.
  • This story is about a cake who outruns the people who baked him and also other people on the way of his run
  • Johnny cake even outruns a bear and wolf but then he gets to the fox
  • Like I have seen many times before the fox character is usually very smart
  • So the fox acts like he can hear Johnny cake making him come closer and in conclusion just eats him up.
  • I really liked this story and think I might write my storytelling based on this story right here

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Reading Diary A: British Fairy Tales

The Three Little Pigs

  • Reading this story was interesting because it is one of my favorite stories of all time
  • It goes along from the same lines as the story I would hear about when I was young
  • The big difference in this story is that the third pig is able to get away from the wolf and eventually kill him
  • After killing the wolf the pig eats him for supper which is a very big difference from the story i would always hear.
The Master and His Pupil

  • This story reminds me of a curious cat because the student was so curious to do what his master would do
  • In return the student summons a demon that terrorizes him
  • The demon is then filling everything up with water and the student is left to drown
  • On the masters journey he remembered he did not lock the book and returned to cast the demon away and save the pupil

Monday, November 2, 2015

Growth Mindset Week 10

If I ran the school I would definitely make the focus on learning rather than exams. I would exaggerate the importance of learning something to the point where you can regurgitate everything you learn. Finding how I would do that is the tricky part. One thing most students find themselves doing is cramming right before an exam and they may do well on that exam. However, the problem lies whether that student has kept that knowledge and information stored or if it was dumped out because of the cramming. I feel like the best thing to do in this case is find a better way to teach and a better way to test rather than standardized test. I believe we can find a better way of testing the student for what he knows and how he understands things rather then have one standardized test that some people may be good at and others may not. Also an issue may be some professors that are teaching. In my experience as a science major I feel that a lot of professor are here for research and not teaching so that also plays a big role in education. If president Boren were to ask me to name one thing to improve education it would be to have professors that want and love to teach. If the teachers are not willing to teach very well then that defeats the purpose of growth mindset.