Reading Diary B: Persian Tales
- It was very intresting seeing how Fayiz had to keep the secret of the Peri
- The decision he had to make between telling the secret in order to save his sons was also very intresting
- The decision he made was to tell the secret which in the end got the peri wife taken and his sons taken away from him
The Hemp-Smokers dream
- It is interesting how the whole story was about getting the kings daughter
- reading through the whole story they finally got the daughter and they started arguing about who was to get the daughter
- In the end the dreamer comes to his senses and wakes up from his dream.
The Story of the Wolf-Bride
- The sons fate was to be torn apart by a wolf
- When time came he married a girl and the girl turned into a wolf and tore him apart
- After she had torn him apart she turned back into a women and had no idea what had happened
- A good representation of werewolf's in Persian folklore
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