Friday, August 28, 2015

Storybook Favorites

Storybook Favorites

            A storybook that I found to like was “Roman Empire: Murder of the Highest Degree” because it goes through series of stories about murderous emperors of Rome and all their wrong doings. The introduction does a great job at explain to some of the stories that are going to be covered. For example the story of Nero and how much a murderous emperor he was. I like the overall design of the page because it was easy to skip from place to place with the side box. I think I will use a similar design to this in my own storybook.
The second storybook I found that I really liked was “Storybook of Horror” and all its horror stories. This might just be because I’ve always been a big Horror story fanatic. I used to love reading goose bumps books back when I was younger so the way the author introduced the storybook book hit home. The way the author worded things out in the introduction was good and really I like how the author tried to portray the spooky story telling voice that you usually hear or see in horror movies and books. I really like the design mainly because of the colors and how green and black goes great with Horror stories. Again going back to goose bumps, I believe that is the color of the title of the book as well.
The third storybook I liked was “Tales of Ferocious Pirates” which I liked because I’ve always liked pirates and the introduction does a good job on portraying and describing the pirate’s gruesome crimes. I liked the design the author put on the blog because it is dark just like the characteristics of a pirate. I also liked the design that was used and will probably use something similar if my storybook is dark.
Picture of a Pirate.

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